Hiking Untuk Sihat!

Hiking Untuk Sihat!

Hiking Untuk Sihat Kesihatan yang baik sangat berharga. Ia akan jadi mahal apabila anda dah mula sakit-sakit. Jadi mencegah adalah lebih baik dari mengubati. Bagaimana untuk jaga kesihatan yang baik? Salah satunya ialah jaga pemakanan anda sebab pemakanan adalah punca...
Pengurusan Risiko Dalam Trading

Pengurusan Risiko Dalam Trading

Pengurusan Risiko Dalam Trading Bidang trading adalah bidang yang penuh dengan risiko kerana ia adalah pelaburan jenis ‘high risk’. Seperti mana yang anda pernah dengarkan yang trading ini ‘high risk high return’. Oleh sebab itu, sebagai...
What Is Technical Analysis In Trading?

What Is Technical Analysis In Trading?

What Is Technical Analysis In Trading? As a trader, you need to understand how the price moves in the market. One of the methods to understand the market is technical analysis. The other one is fundamental analysis. Technical analysis is a method used in trading and...
How To Improve Trading Skills?

How To Improve Trading Skills?

How To Improve Trading Skills? In market trading, one of the elements that traders must have is skills. Skills are important because without them traders will make a bad decision in trading. To gain profit and to be a successful trader, you need to improve your...
7 Elements In Traders Mind

7 Elements In Traders Mind

7 Elements In Trader’s Mind The mindset of a trader can vary widely depending on the individual, their experience, and the type of trading they are involved in. However, there are some common characteristics and thought processes often found in the minds of...
How To Success In Trading?

How To Success In Trading?

How To Success In Trading? Becoming a successful trader in the trading field requires a few things that can help you boost your successful journey. It needs more energy, time, and funds to invest in yourself.  Here are some essential tips that we would like to share...